Weekly Newsletter

Here is what our class is doing this week (6/6-6/10):


In math, we will continue studying the lattice method and partial product method for multiplication. There are a couple links in the math corner to help students and families. Remember to do the homework. There will be a quiz on June 14.

In ELA, we will be reading Across the Wide Dark Sea, by Jean Van Leeuwen. It is part of our Voyages theme. There is a link in the ELA corner if someone wishes to read it. Also, we will be studying more spelling words that are a part of our Voyages theme. Those words are also in the ELA corner for students to practice and study. Remember to do the homework. There will be a quiz on June 9.

In science, we will be starting motion. Students will learn about what motion, or movement, is. How does motion work? What makes motion? What is force? How much force do you need to make something move? What has motion? How do we create motion? This week, one activity we will be doing is rolling a small marble to hit a big marble and tracking its distance. We will discuss the properties of the marbles and what made the marbles move. Remember to do the homework.

In social studies, we will be continuing our discussion of China. Where is China? What is China's climate? What are their schools, communities, holidays like? What are their big exports? What is their main language and capital city? We will be watching a video and doing a venn diagram, comparing and contrasting 2 Chinese children from different cities within China. Remember to do the homework.